16 Apr

Fairly prominent as the Mother of all Tools, the Manual Lathes or simply the Lathe Machine, is a versatile manufacturing tool. They have evolved with the times to become more powerful and efficient in the purpose they were created for.

To that extent, even used Manual lathes are a worthy investment when purchased from reliable dealers who tend to every maintenance need of the used machine and re-purpose it to last longer and effectively so. Seasoned machiners tend to buy used manual lathe instead of new machines because they understand the value-for-money worth of a decent used manual lathe machine.

Types of Manual Lathe Machines

Manual Lathes are vast in number and equally varied in shape, size, design, and productivity, which makes it constrained to classify them efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the types of Lathes based only on their Constructions and Designs.

  • Bench Lathes

They are a smaller version of the Larger manual lathes and are mounted on separate benches or even cabinets. Being small does not hinder them from carrying out accurate operations and they are usually used for precision work. They come equipped with all attachments needed to perform such operations.

  • Speed Lathes

These lathes are made for speed-oriented operations, where the spindle moves at greater speeds. Employed for uses like Polishing, Metal spinning, Woodturning and more, the Speed lathes lack provision for power feed. Without a carriage, lead screw or the Gearbox, the workpiece has to be fed and moved around by hand.

  • Engine Lathes

Named so due to Historical significance, the Engine lathes are more robust versions of the Speed lathes. The Headstock has provisions for incorporating multiple speeds in the lathe spindle. Depending on the gear combinations for power to the lathe, the Headstock may either have a cone pulley with back gears or simply a combination of different gears to supply multiple-speeds to the Lathe spindle.

  • Tool Room Lathes

Equipped with a smaller Bed length, the Toolroom lathe is an Engine lathe but differs in the extra attachments that serve to furnish precise angle of speeds and relative feeds.

  • Capstan and Turret Lathes

Fundamentally used in Mass production, the Capstan and Turret lathes have special mechanisms to index the tool heads and are Semi-automatic in operations. Primarily tasked with setting the tools in the Turret heads, the operators simply have to keep watch over the operations.

  • Automatic and Special Purpose Lathes

Fitted with single or multiple spindles, Automatic and Special purpose lathes make manufacturing a breeze, emphasizing on quantity as well as quality. While Automatic lathes perform many operations with accuracy, Special Purpose lathes are designed to perform specific operations with precision like Screw cutting, Duplication or Facing, among others.

If you are looking for a Manual Lathe or any of its variations, look no further. Hi-Tech Machinery Inc., is a reputed Manufacturing Equipment and Facility dealer that specializes in the acquisition and sales of all used and CNC Manufacturing tools. Browse through our list of Used Manual Lathes for Sale and if you have any further inquiries, contact us through our official website.

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